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Success of the Multiplier Event in UAB

RV workshop

On June 21st, Project D-Eva was presented in all its extension in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

University teachers from all over Catalonia, administration leaders, stakeholders and experts from the field attended the last event of the project.

The event started with the director of the CRiEDO, the research center in which the project is coordinated, Joaquín Gairín, together with the two co-coordinators of the project: Cristina Mercader and Georgeta Ion (UAB).


Afterwards, it was the time to explain the project and present the products elaborated in IO1 (D-EvaBank), IO2 (D-EvaHub) and IO3 (D-EvaTraining).

project explanation

On the second half of the event, the project members Laia Alguacil and Andy Morodo (UAB) develop a workshop in which the attendands where able to try on some of the digital solutions created by the Project with Virtual Reality Glasses.

RV workshop

RV workshop

Before the closing act, two experts in the field, Ludmila Martins (UB) and Miquel Àngel Prats (URL-Blanquerna) together with the co-coordinator of the project Cristina Mercader (UAB) discussed in the round table moderated by Ingrid Noguera (member of the project, UAB) about the future of assessment in higher education with the irruption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Round table

The event was developed in face to face format but it will be available in Youtube soon.